This actually is the face of yesterday but I still decided to share. The complete eye look was achieved with my BH Cosmetics 120 Color Palette- 1st edition. I think I will call this Purple Passion :)
Monday, April 30, 2012
April Favorites
Hard Candy Bronzer in Tiki
Even though this is a bronzer, I actually use this as a highlight. I think this is a perfect bronzer for lighter complexions but if you are of darker complexions this is a beautiful highlight. I apply this color under my eyes, along the bridge of my nose, and on my cupids bow. This is a gorgeous taupe color with a hint of gold shimmer. This bronzer is so silky and goes on the skin so smoothly. Applying this color, will give your face that perfect summer sun kissed look. I bought it from Wal Mart for $8.
Ruby Kisses Xpress Liner and Shadow Pencil
These pencils absolutely rock!!! The colors are so bold and vibrant as they are perfect as eye shadow bases. They are very creamy and go on very easily. They’re also very long lasting and they don’t crease. I also use these pencils on days where I don’t feel like wearing eye shadow but I still want a pop of color to my eye, I will apply them to my lower lash line. These pencils can be purchased at your local beauty supply store for $1.99
BH Cosmetics 120 Color Palette – 1st edition
When I opened this palette, I was like OMG!!!! There are 2 trays of colors that are so bright and gorgeous and after swatching a few I was very pleased with the pigmentation. The palette comes with 120 colors!!! So the looks you can achieve are limitless. I am very impressed with the packaging as it comes in like a titanium case which prevents your shadows from breaking or falling out. I purchased this palette when it was on sale for $17, I think it normally retails for $27, even though I think that price is worth it for this palette, BH Cosmetics is always running some type of promotion so you might want to be on the lookout for those at
Sigma F-80 Flat Top Kabuki Brush
I am absolutely in love with this brush. I don’t know how I’ve been applying my foundation without this brush. The bristles on the brush are so soft. They are also very short and dense allowing your foundation to be buffed into your skin, giving you a flawless finish. I bought this brush from for $16. I love it so much that I will be purchasing another one for back up and one for my makeup kit. This is a wonderful brush, go ahead and buy one, I promise you won’t be disappointed!!

BCBG Affirmation Bracelet
I love these bracelets as they are just so darn cute!!! I bought my first bracelet in February while in Chicago at Carson Pirie Scott, I loved it so much that I bought 2 more at Macys. These bracelets are just so darling because they read cool, catchy phrases like Single, Kickin It, etc. They come in different colors making it perfect to stack your bracelets with your gold, rose gold, or silver accessories. Retail price is $18.00

Kay’s Pandora Charm Bracelet (St. Jude)
I’ve been collecting charms for about a year now and on April.12th my husband and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. He bought me a St. Jude charm and for you that are not familiar with St. Jude it’s a children’s research hospital in Memphis, TN. The children there are receiving treatment for illnesses such a cancer, rare bone diseases, etc. In January my husband and I found out that our 2 year old son has Type 1 diabetes. Even though he didn’t receive treatment at St. Jude, this charm is symbolic of my child’s illness and his need for ongoing medical treatment. Even though it’s been a life changing experience, Landon’s doing well and so is our family but this charm is very near and dear to my heart.
This has nothing to do with beauty or fashion but it has to do with my favorite TV show which debuted on April 5th. This show is awesome!!! Kerry Washington stars on the show as she plays an attorney by the name of Olivia Pope, and let me tell you, Olivia Pope don’t play. The name of the show speaks for itself as it deals with Scandal in the White House, things we wonder does that really happen? I promise you will love this show, just give it a try. It airs on Thursdays @ 9:00 central on ABC.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!
Please subscribe to my You Tube channel, don't make me beg :)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Sigma Brush Review
I have been on the hunt for a new Stippling Brush so I bought one from Sigma along with some other brushes.
I am so in love with this brush, where should I begin? The bristles on the brush are sooo soft and it feels so good on my face. They are also short and very dense wish allows the foundation to go on very even and not streaky. The brush is a perfect size, not too big and not too small as it buffs the foundation into your face providing a flawless finish. I love this brush so much that I will be purchasing another one for back up and another for my makeup kit as I know my clients will love it too. This is a must have brush. Consider buying this brush as an investment, its a perfect brush whether you're a beginner or a professional makeup artist.
Price: $16.00
This is initially what I intended on using and loving. This brush is considered to be the dupe to the Mac 187 brush (which is $42). The bristles are not as dense at the Mac but very workable. I’ve used this brush about four times and every time the brush shed pretty badly. Overall, the brush is just ok in my opinion.
Price: $18.00
I really like this brush primarily for the egg shape of the bristles. I have to admit this brush is very soft as well. I use this brush everyday and I really like it. This brush can be used to highlight your cheek bones and the tip of the brush can be used to contour the hollows of your checks and along your nose. Overall this is a very good brush and is worth buying.
I absolutely love blending brushes. I think that having a nicely blended eye is the key to having a great eye look. The bristles on this brush aren’t that dense which makes it harder for the brush to blend darker colors. However, it does blend lighter colors together wonderfully.
Price: $11.00
I received this brush as a free gift. I haven’t used this brush yet but it looks like your standard eyeliner brush, nothing too fancy
Price: $9.00
Overall I was very happy with my Sigma purchase but even happier to have gotten the F80 brush. I think the brushes are a great quality especially for the price. Remember, the Mac brush was a whooping $42!!! Here I bought 5 brushes for $65.00 and I don't feel as though I settled for these brushes. The bristles on the brush are very soft, the brushes are very sturdy and professional looking. I will definitely be buying more brushes from them in the future. To check out these brushes and others go to
Don't forget to subscribe to my You Tube channel: MakeupbyQuiana!!!
Talk to you guys soon.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Friendly Haul
My friend Nubia and I went location scouting for a hot photoshoot we're working on. After finding our location we went to grab some lunch. Afterward we went to the Goodwill and Target and I had went to Ulta earlier in the day.We decided to collaborate on a video and share our finds with our beloved viewers.
Here's what we got!!
Denim jacket (going to make it into a vest and dye it and do whatever my creative juices decide)
Denim shorts (replicate Rhianna's shorts that she wore to Coachella)
Sonia Kashuk Fan Brush
Maybelline Eyeshadow
Lorac Wild For Tantilzer Collection
Urban Decay Body Glitter Kit
Nyx Orange Cream Blush
Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Liner Pen
Revlon Lip Butter in Cotton Candy
Palladio Lip Stain in Berry
Here's what we got!!
Denim jacket (going to make it into a vest and dye it and do whatever my creative juices decide)
Denim shorts (replicate Rhianna's shorts that she wore to Coachella)
Sonia Kashuk Fan Brush
Maybelline Eyeshadow
Lorac Wild For Tantilzer Collection
Urban Decay Body Glitter Kit
Nyx Orange Cream Blush
Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Liner Pen
Revlon Lip Butter in Cotton Candy
Palladio Lip Stain in Berry
Monday, April 23, 2012
Paint The Town Red
Red lips were once taboo as they were only worn by hookers and promiscuous women. Red lips now are sexy, classy, and sophisticated and a must have color. There is a red lip color out there for everybody so find your right shade and paint the town red!!
* Lipstick tip: If you’ve bought a red lipstick shade that’s too bright or dark, don’t throw it away. Instead, experiment with other lip stick shades you have and customize your perfect shade of red.
Here are some of my favorite red lipstick colors
NYX- Bloody Mary
Lancome- Rouge In Love
Rimmel Kate Moss- 01 (no official name)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
How To Get Your Favorite Designer Item For Less
So I have literally been obsessed with the Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 bag since forever, 2 years ago while in Vegas, my husband gave me the ok to buy the bag but something about spending a months mortgage on a purse just didn't seem practical to me. Needless to say I never got the bag but my obsession didn't die either.
Here in Memphis we have an upscale consignment store called Sugar Plum. There they sell designer items such as Tom Ford glasses, Christian Louboutin shoes, and my Louis Vuitton purse. Every time they feature a Speedy bag on Facebook, I'm too late as they typically sell within minutes of being posted on Facebook. So I was ecstatic when I was able able to purchase the bag before somebody else got their hands on it. The bag was $295, for the condition it's in, I caught a great deal!!
I found a online store called Bags Borrow Steal that reconditions designer bags, because the bag wasn't in bad condition I purchased the cheapest package at $100.00. So I spent $400 on a bag that retails for $790 (before the tax). Can you say winning???!!!
Here are some tips so you can get your favorite designer item too!!
* Find your local upscale consignment store. Make sure it's a consignment store and not a thrift store as people aren't as likely to give away their designer items.
* Once you find the consignment store, make sure they are selective in the items they accept, we want to make sure that even though these are used items that they are in relatively good condition.
* Make sure the consignment store authenticates their items, we don't want to pay $300 for a fake.
* Be specific in what you want, this allows you to keep from buying items on impulse but never get what you REALLY want.
* Have a price point, you have to know how much a used item is worth to you. You have to remember that these items are used so you don't want to overpay for the item.
Hope this helps, Happy Shopping!!!
Here in Memphis we have an upscale consignment store called Sugar Plum. There they sell designer items such as Tom Ford glasses, Christian Louboutin shoes, and my Louis Vuitton purse. Every time they feature a Speedy bag on Facebook, I'm too late as they typically sell within minutes of being posted on Facebook. So I was ecstatic when I was able able to purchase the bag before somebody else got their hands on it. The bag was $295, for the condition it's in, I caught a great deal!!
I found a online store called Bags Borrow Steal that reconditions designer bags, because the bag wasn't in bad condition I purchased the cheapest package at $100.00. So I spent $400 on a bag that retails for $790 (before the tax). Can you say winning???!!!
Here are some tips so you can get your favorite designer item too!!
* Find your local upscale consignment store. Make sure it's a consignment store and not a thrift store as people aren't as likely to give away their designer items.
* Once you find the consignment store, make sure they are selective in the items they accept, we want to make sure that even though these are used items that they are in relatively good condition.
* Make sure the consignment store authenticates their items, we don't want to pay $300 for a fake.
* Be specific in what you want, this allows you to keep from buying items on impulse but never get what you REALLY want.
* Have a price point, you have to know how much a used item is worth to you. You have to remember that these items are used so you don't want to overpay for the item.
Hope this helps, Happy Shopping!!!
Everyday Makeup Tutorial- Naked Palette
When going to work or running errands you don't always have time to put on an elaborate face. Sometimes you just need something nice and simple. The natural look below is very simple so if you're interested on how I achieved this look then check out my video.
Make sure subscribe to my channel!!!!
( I look crazy right here, lol)
What I used....
Mac Painterly Paint Pot
Urban Decay Naked Palette e/s Half Baked
Urban Decay Naked Palette e/s Buck
Urban Decay Naked Palette e/s Virgin
Urban Decay Naked Palette e/s Toasted
Urban Decay Naked Palette e/s Creep
L'oreal Voluminous Smoldering Eyeliner Pencil-black
Maybelline Falsie Mascara- Black Drama
Face (which I didn't show in the video)
Urban Decay Complexion Primer Potion
Maybelline Dream Airfoam Foundation-Caramel
Make up Forever HD Setting Powder
Mac Blush- Modern Mandarin
Nyx lip gloss- Mauve
Thursday, April 19, 2012
At Home Face Mask
Why not save some money and have fun making a face mask with ingredients found around the house? If you have oily, dry, or combination skin, there is a facial recipe out there for you. I’ve been feeling that my face has been dryer than usual so I was looking for a face mask that will hydrate and deeply moisturize my skin. I decided to try an avocado/honey/olive oil mask. Overall I was very pleased with the outcome as it left my face feeling as soft as a baby’s bum. If you will like to make your own face mask then stay tuned as this face mask is super easy to make.
Ingredients needed:
1/2 Avocado
1 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Mash the avocado in a bowl, try to get most of the lumps out.
I did think the avocado smelt strange but once you add the honey the smell gets better.
Add 1 tbsp of honey and olive oil, mix them all until you get a smooth consistency, it should pretty much look like guacamole.
Apply 2 layers on your face and leave on for ten minutes.
Rinse face with warm water and you have completed a very simple moisturizing face mask.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Orange You Glad For Orange Blush?
I know what a corny title right J but anywho the must have Spring/Summer blush color is...... orange!! Now I know what you’re thinking, orange? But yes, it’s a beautiful color, especially on women of color. The color also looks great on tanned and bronzed complexions. Orange is the must have color because it gives the face a natural glow. The orange against the bronzed skin tones warms the face. Adding this color to your face will make you look like a Spring Goddess.
(Disclaimer: This is my first YouTube video, so don't judge too hard as it will get better...I promise)
Nyx- Cinnamon
This is a beautiful matte orange color. Not too orange but a very subtle, buildable orange. It is $5 and can be found at Ulta or your beauty supply store.
Sephora- Apricot Brandy
Not my favorite because of the excessive amount of shimmer but if you like shimmer then you will love this color. The color is very sheer with a lot of shimmer. $16 at Sephora.
Mac- Modern Mandarin
I absolutely love this blush, I'm personally a big fan of Mac blushes. The orange is very pigmented and very long lasting. $20 at your Mac counter.
Nars- Exhibit A
This blush is on the pricer side but trust me it’s worth it. The blush is a perfect combination of red and orange. When applying you have to remember that a little goes along way but it’s a gorgeous color that adds a perfect color to your cheeks. If this color is too bright, there is a more toned down color named Taj Mahal that is as equally gorgeous.
Nyx eyeshadow- Golden Orange. If you are not completely sold yet that Orange blush will look good on you, try your orange eyeshadow.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and Jessica Simpson, 20% off
Friday, April 13, 2012
Favorite Online Stores You can literally spend hours on this website as they sell everything from dresses, swimwear, and lingerie to maternity wear. I particularly love going to this website when I’m looking for dresses. The dresses are so fashion forward and most importantly reasonably priced. Now the website does carry some pricey items but that’s what I like about it. It has something for everybody no matter what’s your budget. This online store sells very trendy clothes, shoes and accessories. It’s one of my favorites because every day there is a new deal of the day; which is always pretty good. They recently launched a Hello Kitty line. So for you that are Hello Kitty fans you should check it out!! I frequent this website when I’m looking for shoes, they do sell clothes and they are nice but forever reason I don’t shop there for clothes. But their shoes are affordable selling some of the middle tier shoe lines like Bamboo, Qupid, etc. If you live in Chicago then this store is actually accessible to you, however for me I have to shop online and I love this store. They sell some wonderful, couture type pieces. This store isn’t somewhere you would shop if going to a family picnic but when you want that smoking birthday outfit, this is the place to go!! Kind of reminds me of Akira Chicago in the sense that they sell couture type pieces however they may be a tad bit less expensive then Akira. This is another store that you might have in your area, actually Memphis just got one here recently but if you don’t have one accessible this store is great too. If you like Forever21 then you’ll love Love Culture as the clothing styles and prices are pretty comparable. Shoedazzle was once set up like those monthly book clubs where if you don’t cancel the monthly selection then they will bill you for the books, well Shoedazzle operated on that same premise. As of April, Shoedazzle has gotten away with the cancelling of the month. All you have to do is fill out a brief questionnaire on your style and they will personalize a monthly selection of shoes that you can purchase for $39.95
Happy Shopping!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Trey Songz in GQ Magazine, March 2012
I'm super duper late but I JUST found out that Trey Songz was in the March edition of GQ.....with a 8 page spread!! I'm on the hunt for the paper copy as we speak. As you readers get to know me more, you will learn that I LOVE Trey Songz...not as much as I love my husband but he's a close second. :) Just kidding. Anywho, I decided to blog on him because he looked very dapper and stylish in fashions by Prada, Tommy Hilfiger, Dolce and Gabana, just to name a few.
Some of the looks are not your everyday looks but its refreshing to see men in high fashion as it is okay for men to trade in their denim jeans and tennis shoes for an oxford blazer and pair of khakis once in a while.
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Perfect Brow
The highly anticipated eyebrow tutorial is here!!! Eyebrows are the most important feature on a persons face. They draw attention to your eyes which means they need to be properly groomed. Few of us have the “perfect” eyebrow meaning that they have an even shape and arch, no sparse hairs etc. Many of us women need to incorporate filling in our eyebrows as part of our normal beauty routine. Since this is a part of my daily routine, I try to keep this process short and sweet. If you like the look here, then stay tuned.
Tools needed:
Concealer (Maybelline Fit Me)
Eyebrow pencil (Fashion Fair in Black/Brown or Mac in Spiked)
Small concealer brush (E.L.F $1 @ Target)
Eyebrow brush or spoolie (not included in pic below)
Before beginning the tutorial , this diagram may be helpful to some on where the eyebrow starts and ends and where your natural arch should be.
Lets begin.....
Begin with brushing the hairs up and over, this allows you to see the exact shape of your brow and where you may have any sparse hairs.
As you can see, my eyebrow has a decent shape and arch, however I have gaps in my brow that need to be filled in.
Using your eyebrow pencil draw the shape of the eyebrow underneath your natural brow line. This serves as as a guideline on how you want your desired eyebrow shape to be.
Start filling in the eyebrow with your eyebrow pencil. Use short, feathery motions in the direction of the hairs. Your strokes should be very light as you don't want your brow to be too dark. Remember to NOT draw lines. The goal is for the pencil to create an illusion of hairs.
The concealer trick, I use this trick to “hide” any hairs I haven’t plucked and to give my eyebrow shape a crisper look. Using your concealer brush, apply concealer along the the bottom of your eyebrow. I don't put concealer at the top of my brow as I don't want my eye to look too perfect, you want a natural, clean look.
Blend, blend, blend. Blend the concealer down into your crease. I think it looks very unnatural when women don’t blend the concealer under the eyebrow.
Add your eyeshadow and mascara and you're ready to walk out the door!!
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Memphis Fashion Week 2012
This past weekend I had the luxury of covering Memphis Fashion Week for Love Nu Art Magazine. Make sure you go check the magazine out at as its an amazing up and coming magazine. We were provided the complete 100% VIP access.
Anywho, I have to admit that my expectations of the event weren’t high as Memphis isn’t known for fashion. But when I tell you that this was a top notch, high fashion event, that’s exactly what is was. The event started with the VIP lounge where there were freeze models displaying gorgeous jewelry pieces. Day 1 of the fashion show featured three designers. Day 2 featured four designers. The models, hair, makeup, and designs were exquisite. I’ve never been to a high fashion show before but I know this is how its supposed to be done.
Below are just a few pictures
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Makeup for Friday night, I was going for a golden, glowy look |
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Freeze models displaying beautiful jewerly pieces |
Nubia and I
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Gorgeous models rocking the runway |
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My new friend I met |
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Nubia and I |
Move over New York Fashion Week because here comes Memphis!!
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